ScienceDIVER project


Cross-sectoral skills for the Blue Economy labor market (863674)

ScienceDIVER aims to support the development of blue and smart cross-sectoral skills to meet the evolving needs in the labor market of the Blue Economy. Particularly, this project, facing the challenges of UN’s “Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development”, will build solid -long lasting-collaborations and structures between academia and industry in order to

offer standardized training and clear career pathways to the diving scientists. The transition from the higher education to the marine industry is performed in three steps. Initially, through the driving of policy change to support the Scientific Diving as a profession and its unified regulation among EU countries, through a job-oriented qualification scheme for diving scientists, which is provided by the participating Universities (AUTH, UNICAL, STU) andDAN Europe in partnership with International Diving Training Organizations (CMAS, PADI). And sequentially, by matching the developed skills with offered jobs, over a dedicated ICT ―BlueCareers platform (ATL) for career opportunities, which rely on scientific diving and Blue Technologies (as they are associated with scientific diving). A smooth transition is ensured with the contribution of key stakeholders in underwater science (e.g. CMAS SSC), diving regulations (e.g.EUF) and safety (DAN) as well as from the established or emerging Blue Economy industry sectors (MCB, ENVI).